Google Maps InfoWindow Not Displaying
Had a weird scenario where two mapping sites stopped working. They use Google Maps API version 3.9 and are currently static (ie there were no current changes being made to the site). One day, the InfoWindow used to display information about a google marker stopped displaying the info window. No script errors, nothing had changed in code for 3 or 4 months, and had been working fine until then. I finally tracked it down and changed the following line :- goInfoWindow.content = tsLabel; and instead wrote it as :- goInfoWindow.setContent(tsLabel); and the InfoWindow then works fine. I was unable to find others experiencing this problem, and couldn't see any notes on Google's site. I thought I would post this so that others might find it and benefit. Why using the infoWindow.content property would stop working, I have no idea. At least infoWindow.setContent works without too much extra effort.