
Showing posts from May, 2016

How to Get Outlook 2016 to Start in Offline Mode

I have always found the Work Offline feature in Outlook extremely useful for a number of reasons. After recently upgrading to Office 2016, I could not find a way to start up in this offline mode, as it looks as if Microsoft has removed this functionality. After a bit of investigation, I found that the answer wasn't too painful, as long as you're familiar with macros. Just add the following into the Visual Basic code and you'll be fine.  Private Sub Application_Startup()   Dim objExplorer As Outlook.Explorer  Set objExplorer = ActiveExplorer   Dim oNS As NameSpace  Set oNS = Application.Session  If Not (oNS.ExchangeConnectionMode = olCachedOffline Or oNS.ExchangeConnectionMode = olOffline) Then   objExplorer.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("ToggleOnline")   End If   End Sub